I am a Dutch interdisciplinary and socially engaged researcher, interested in how technology can reflect, obfuscate, or amplify social inequalities, aiming to use law, advocacy, and action to dismantle systems of oppression and instigate radical change.
In 2024 I finished my PhD at the University of Amsterdam focussed on resistance and contestation to online exclusion and algorithmic discrimination. I have specialised in EU information law and democratic theory.
Besides research, I have experienced in social justice advocacy as well as human rights and technology strategic litigation. Together with colleagues and comrades I set up the Racism and Technology Center, a small NGO viewing social opression, with racism in particular, through the lens of technology and engaging in a range of advocacy and litigation efforts.
I am also a member of Dutch Scholars for Palestine.
More work experience
- PhD, University of Amsterdam, Institute for Information Law
- Co-founder Racism and Technology Center
- Weizenbaum Institute, Fellowship in the Technology, Power and Domination research group, Berlin
- WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Guest Research Politics of Digitalization research group, Berlin
- HIIG, Guest research in the AI in the Public Interest research group, Berlin
- Bits of Freedom, volunteer, Amsterdam
- Wetwinkel Amsterdam (free legal clinic), Legal Amsterdam
- Dutch Refugee Council, volunteer, Amsterdam
More educational background
- PhD in Law, University of Amsterdam
- Masters in Information Law, University of Amsterdam [cum laude]
- Masters in Political and Social Philosophy, University of Amsterdam
- Exchange in Liberal Arts, Keio University, Tokyo
- Bachelor in Law, University of Amsterdam [cum laude]
- Bachelor in Philosophy, University of Amsterdam [cum laude]